Front-End Design & Development


Designed with WordPress – Ongoing Development

ImageOn is a comprehensive printing services website specializing in garment printing, banners, decals, laser engraving, and embroidery across 8 cities, each with dedicated landing pages. Originally designed as an SEO-centric landing page, I am actively enhancing its mobile responsiveness while closely collaborating with stakeholders to optimize the user experience for future visitors.


Category: B2C (Business-to-Consumer) E-commerce

Role: Designer | Developer | Photo Editor | Photographer | Webmaster | Analytics | SEO |

Year: 2024

Employer: ImageOn

Challenges: Frequent design layout changes from leadership made it challenging to measure results effectively.

Pacific Science & Engineering Group, Inc.

Designed with the Foundation Framework – Custom HTML/CSS

Pacific Science & Engineering Group, Inc. is a website devoted to Government contracts, meticulously crafted using custom HTML and CSS, with a paramount focus on ADA Compliance. As both the designer and developer, I embarked on the mission of delivering an accessible and user-friendly interface while adhering to stringent government regulations.

Category: Government Projects

Role: Developer | Photo Editor | Photographer | Webmaster | Analytics

Year: 2020

Employer: Pacific Science & Engineering Group, Inc.

Challenges: Navigating new ADA compliance requirements and collecting the necessary specifications proved challenging, necessitating continuous collaboration with various business areas.

Birch Tree Properties

Designed with Custom HTML & CSS

Birch Tree Properties LLC, an investment and management firm specializing in commercial real estate, entrusted me with the responsibility of establishing a compelling online presence. Leveraging HTML and CSS, I undertook the role of designing and developing a user-friendly website that served as a platform for diverse real estate ventures.

Category: Corporate Real Estate

Role: WordPress Developer | Branding | Photo Editor | Webmaster | Brochure Designer

Year: 2016

Employer: Freelance

Challenges: None

Motown Creations

Designed with the Foundation Framework – Custom HTML & CSS

Motown Creations is a website thoughtfully crafted using the Foundation framework. Catering to a remodeling contractor based in the Bay Area, the website serves as a dynamic platform for showcasing the extensive range of services offered. Alongside the development, custom branding elements were meticulously designed to establish a unique and memorable identity. Additionally, I provide ongoing hosting and webmaster services to ensure the website’s seamless performance and continuous support.

Category: Services Website

Role: WordPress Developer | Branding | Photo Editor | Webmaster

Year: 2016

Employer: Freelance

Challenges: None encountered. I continue to provide hosting and collaborate with the client on an ongoing basis.

Innovative Reflections

Designed with WordPress

Innovative Reflections is a WordPress-based website with a specific B2B focus, specializing in lighted mirrors. Crafting this platform required extensive photo editing work, as the products initially lacked backgrounds. Illuminating the backgrounds and enhancing the overall visual appeal has made Innovative Reflections one of my most rewarding projects, where I’ve leveraged my skills to make this website truly shine.

Category: B2B (Business-to-Business) E-commerce

Role: WordPress Developer | Branding | Photo Editor | Webmaster | Brochure Designer

Year: 2015

Employer: Scott Lamp Company, Inc.

Challenges: None. Completing this project was a pleasant experience, as I had all the requirements on hand and could deliver it in record time.

Scott Architectural Lighting

Designed with WordPress, featuring extensive customization using HTML & CSS

Scott Architectural Lighting is a WordPress-based website dedicated to lighting products for B2B clients. When faced with an alarming 85.81% bounce rate following the integration of Google Analytics, I embarked on an intensive 8-month journey to overhaul the outdated PDF-based website. The outcome was a successful modernization effort that substantially reduced the bounce rate to 21.70%, all while showcasing visually appealing examples that vividly demonstrate the website’s remarkable transformation.

Category: B2B (Business-to-Business) E-commerce

Role: WordPress Developer | Branding | Photo Editor | Product Photographer | Webmaster | Email Marketer

Year: 2014

Employer: Scott Lamp Company, Inc.

Challenges: We opted to discontinue using PDF forms for the technical specifications of lamps. Instead, I incorporated the information directly onto the website and implemented a simple “Print” button to generate PDF forms with the necessary requirements.

Wavecrest Capital

Designed with the Bootstrap Framework – Custom HTML & CSS

Wavecrest Capital, yet another investment and management firm specializing in commercial real estate, offered me the privilege to contribute to their online presence. Using the Foundation Framework, I collaborated closely with the stakeholder to design an engaging and delightful user experience. This project allowed me to leverage my skills to enhance Wavecrest Capital’s digital footprint within the competitive real estate landscape.

Category: Corporate Real Estate

Role: Developer | Branding | Photo Editor | Webmaster

Year: 2013

Employer: Freelance

Challenges: None encountered.

Made Whole

Designed with WordPress – Custom HTML & CSS

Made Whole, Inc. was a WordPress website dedicated to promoting holistic health for both the body and the mind. My involvement in this project extended from the ground up, where I collaborated closely with the stakeholder to design the website from scratch. In addition to web development, I played a pivotal role in shaping the brand identity. This included creating a striking book cover and producing a dynamic 30-second commercial, where I had the opportunity to showcase my video and sound editing skills, enhancing the overall engagement and impact of the platform.

Category: Health and Wellness

Role: WordPress Developer | Branding | Photo Editor | Webmaster | Video Editing | Sound Design | Book Designer

Year: 2013

Employer: Freelance

Challenges: Gathering the requirements proved challenging, as the client was frequently occupied.

Newberry Estate Vineyards

Designed with the Bootstrap Framework – Custom HTML & CSS

Newberry Estate Vineyards was an exquisite venue that specialized in offering luxurious wedding ceremony packages on their stunning estate. During its initial stages, I had the privilege of designing the website from the ground up. My involvement extended beyond web design, encompassing various essential services such as branding, banner creation, photo editing, as well as providing hosting and serving as the webmaster for several years. The success of this venture was truly remarkable, as it eventually garnered the attention of a different company, resulting in its acquisition for millions of dollars.

Category: Venue & Event Services

Role: WordPress Developer | Branding | Photo Editor | Webmaster | Brochure Designer

Year: 2012

Employer: Freelance

Challenges: Growing alongside the business, I encountered several challenges, though none proved insurmountable. Initially, I designed a custom HTML and CSS website, followed by a WordPress site as the venue expanded and required more information to be included.

Bay Apartment Advisors

Designed with WordPress, Custom HTML & CSS

Bay Apartment Advisors, a prominent investment and management firm specializing in commercial real estate, entrusted me with the development of their website. Initially, I designed the site from scratch using HTML and CSS. Later, I was contracted to transition it to a WordPress platform. Beyond web development, I played a crucial role in shaping their branding, providing hosting and email campaign design, and offering ongoing website maintenance services over several years to ensure their online presence remained robust and dynamic.

Category: Corporate Real Estate

Role: WordPress Developer | Branding | Photo Editor | Webmaster | Brochure Designer

Year: 2012

Employer: Freelance

Challenges: This project marked the first business website I designed while still at university, offering valuable experience. I continued to work with Joel Kelly for several years after that.