Fungi Pros Case Study


I’ve had the privilege of serving as a Graphic Designer with Fungi Pros for the past two years, handling all aspects of branding, graphics, icons, and photography. This experience has been a remarkable journey, allowing me to refine my skills while contributing to the growth and recognition of the brand. Throughout this period,

I’ve worked on a diverse array of creative projects that have challenged me to explore new techniques and ideas, leading to invaluable learning opportunities that I never imagined. Collaborating with Fungi Pros has not only expanded my design capabilities but also deepened my understanding of how compelling visuals can elevate a brand’s identity.


In the realm of fishing, the pursuit of that perfect catch is often hindered by the struggle to locate the right tools swiftly. Whether anglers are fishing from a kayak, boat, or shore, the challenge is universal. However, this quandary intensifies during kayak fishing sessions, where time is of the essence, and the need to change lures while engaged in a battle with a formidable 30lb fish demands nothing short of absolute efficiency. It is this pressing problem that ignited the inception of this UX case study, poised to redefine the fishing experience through innovative design.

The Problem

The core problem revolves around the urgent need for a well-designed, modular bag that caters to the specific requirements of kayak anglers. The existing options in the market fall short of providing a comprehensive solution that optimizes the accessibility of tools, especially during intense fishing moments. The absence of a purpose-built bag puts anglers at a disadvantage, as they risk losing valuable fishing time and potentially damaging their precious equipment due to disorganization and inadequate protection.

The Challenge

To overcome the identified problem, the primary challenge is to conceive and develop an innovative modular bag that seamlessly adapts to the varying needs of kayak anglers. The design must incorporate ergonomic elements that allow for quick access to fishing tools and equipment while withstanding the harsh conditions typically encountered during fishing trips, such as exposure to saltwater, rain, and prolonged sun exposure.

Market Needs

To overcome the identified problem, the primary challenge is to conceive and develop an innovative modular bag that seamlessly adapts to the varying needs of kayak anglers. The design must incorporate ergonomic elements that allow for quick access to fishing tools and equipment while withstanding the harsh conditions typically encountered during fishing trips, such as exposure to saltwater, rain, and prolonged sun exposure.


While the market has some existing solutions, there is a noticeable lack of a highly customizable modular bag catering specifically to kayak anglers’ needs. This represents a golden opportunity to establish a unique selling proposition and gain a competitive edge by introducing a superior and tailored product.

Materials and Processes

To achieve the desired durability and functionality, the modular bag will be skillfully crafted from a combination of high-quality materials. Plastics, fabrics, metals, and 550 cord will form the foundation of the bag’s structure, providing exceptional sturdiness and resilience. The design will incorporate features such as Velcro and clear plastics for intuitive access and visibility, while a heavy-duty large zipper ensures secure closure and protection of the contents.


This UX case study delves into the development of a game-changing modular bag tailored explicitly for kayak anglers. By thoroughly understanding the angler’s pain points, the proposed solution aims to revolutionize the fishing experience by offering unparalleled organization, quick access, and safeguarding of valuable equipment. Through thoughtful design and dedication to usability, the final product strives to stand out in a competitive market, winning the hearts of kayak anglers worldwide and enhancing their fishing adventures.

Target Market

Illustration of a kayaker fishing from atop his kayak.

Purchasing Habits & Market Size

Research & Validation

Being a member of several kayaking clubs allowed me to gather feedback from Fresh N Salty (Northern California), Baja Kayak Fishing (Baja), and Mad Anglers (Military Veterans) on Facebook. I inquired about the challenges and pain points they encountered during their kayaking trips. Here’s what they told me:

Validate Need & Opportunity

After conducting thorough research, I have chosen to create a specialized angler bag tailored specifically for kayaking. The focal point of this design will be a modular bag that effectively addresses the 7 major pain points experienced by kayakers while also capitalizing on the lucrative fishing market. This innovative bag will offer enhanced protection for valuable sharp lures, seamless access and storage features, and the convenience of accommodating small tools securely.

Journey Map

This journey describes the various steps that a typical kayak angler goes through


This journey describes the various steps that a typical kayak angler goes through.

User Personas

Competitor Analysis

Ideation Thumbnail Sketches

Color Sketches

A Modular Bag

Sewing the bag together and attaching a small zipper

Sewing together transparent pockets and using velcro in the back.

I place a jig inside the transparent pocket to make sure size is adequate

Attaching buckles on the bag

The finished bag is too small, causing the contents to make it appear bulky.

Refined Sketches

Back to the drawing board, and continuing with my brainstorming process.

Refined Sketches

The final idea.

Refined Design

A. Added metal grommets to transparent bags. B. Installed a large zipper on the bag. C. Applied Velcro onto the fabric. D. Sew the bag together. E. Used a plastic backing inside the bag that won’t be exposed. F. Cut the backing into pieces resembling a book and secure them in place with Gorilla tape. G. Wrapped the plastic with a soft cloth that will be positioned inside the bag.

Design Complete

The following are images of the completed design.

The Branding

The design features an octopus with paddles encircling it. The brand name I’ve created is called OCCTO, it’s short for Octopus, and the slogan is Mad Angler Gear.

The Angler bag on the Kayak


After a year of using the modular bag, I can confidently say the design was a success. It has been invaluable for my kayaking trips, and I’ve received numerous requests to produce and sell these bags. I’m now preparing a new variation with fresh ideas for improvement. Stay tuned for version 2.0!